Uninspired, Underwhelmed, and Too Much Laundry

So, the last few weeks I have been suffering from a serious case of jewellery block.  I've been looking at rolls of wire, my pliers, beads, and been completely uninspired.   Lately everything I've made has gone wrong, wire bends in ways I never intended, the notes with ideas I've jotted down over the years goes missing.  Things just are not working out!  Sometimes there are just too many things interfering with my creativity and opportunity to make things.  The boys are too noisy, or they want to eat!

Time to try some of my tricks for getting out of a funk, maybe go to the museum, and then very likely a good dose of bead therapy.  I think that might do the trick, I'll find a bead shop I've never explored!


Threadpainter said…
Hi Robin ... Have been meaning to keep in touch, but now that the holidays are past maybe I'll get more blog reading done !
I know of what you speak of ... bead block, art block, whatever, been there many times myself ... guess we all do ... but it passes and we are renewed with creative juices. Hope things are well with you and that beading is on an upswing !
Yours in art,

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